New Agent and Publisher

Book Agent Found

At last I have been fortunate enough to find a literary agent to represent my work. Though I was quite prepared to go it alone – in fact was beginning to see no other choice – about three months ago I had a call from Darin Jewell at the Inspira Agency who said he liked my book and was prepared to try and find a publisher for it. Even though I’d already had it printed myself I felt it would have greater credibility coming from a respected publisher. Many authors self publish these days and, though ‘vanity’ publishing has less stigma than it used to, reviewers are obviously much less likely bother with these. And, if you want to sell to the wider public, then good reviews are a must.

Next good news is that recently Darin found a small independent publisher – Legend Press – to take on my book. Before sending them the MSS I took the chance to re-edit it and was happy to find very little to change. Of course, given a few months I’d probably rip out whole chapters and re-vamp everything – but luckily that opportunity wasn’t an option. Not much else has happened but I’m going to London for a meeting in early November and hopefully, so I’m told, the book could be re-published before Christmas. Apparently they are happy with the design so it won’t look that different – but things could change when the graphics department get their hands on it.
Strangely enough I’m not perticularly excited about these events having lived with the book for over two years now and I’m itching to get on with other projects including Song Tales Part Two (continuing my autobiographical ramble through Sixties Britain), new CDs of both adult and children’s songs, a book of poetry for children, and more.

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