broken biscuits and me 075

The new album is still not finished for reasons beyond my control. Since recording the original 13 tracks (a Baker’s dozen) we’ve added extra instrumentals from Mike Hirst (melodeon), Stew Rickard (also melodeon plus washboard) and fiddle player Jackie Manai. All these musicians have enhanced my additions on keyboards and percussion, etc, but its taken much longer than expected as recording has had to fit in with everyone’s schedule – not least of all Jimmy and Val’s (jiva) who are doing the technical stuff and lead busy lives.

In the meantime I’ve also got a day job to do plus various domestic chores – not least of all driving to London with Sofie and her artwork to the Mall Gallery for an exhibition with the Society of Designer Craftsmen. This was not really a fun activity – the driving in particular – but interesting to see all the work at the gallery. It was also nice to see my brother Matthew and his wife in Wandsworth (thanks for the bed and great meals by the way).


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