A very silly song but with a serious message. Seems like some presidents have little concern for the environment and are happy to see great natural forests destroyed for the sake of profit. These forests are, of course, playing a vital part in helping reduce CO2 levels and also contain millions of plants and animals which, once gone, cannot be brought back again.


Somewhere in a deep dark wood, there lived a grizzly bear. With big sharp claws and big sharp teeth, but nobody knows where, He could be hiding in a cave maybe or up a tree, Waiting for to pounce upon someone like you or me. Ooooh – just like you or me.

Somewhere in a deep dark wood, there lived a grizzly bear. A very tall and handsome chap who never combed his hair. He ate small children for his lunch because they were quite free. And to take the taste away he drank some herbal tea. Ooooh – he drank some herbal tea.

Somewhere in a deep dark wood, there lived a grizzly bear. But he’s not as cuddly as seen from your TV chair. When he was a little cub everybody went aah. But now that he’s old and grumpy and not so la-di-dah.

Somewhere in a deep dark wood, there lived a grizzly bear. But one day a hunter came a-searching for him there. With a great big shotgun he meant to go off bang! But the bear gave him a fright and off that hunter ran.

Somewhere in a deep dark wood there lived a grizzly bear. But so very sad to say he is no longer there. They’ve gone and chopped the forest down to drill for oil and gas. Well thankyou Mr President – oh what a silly ass.

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