brkn bisc CD cover

It’s been a long and frustrating journey getting this album realised. Thank goodness, I’m nearly there – just need to get the CD copied and printing  done. But will it all be worth it? Will anyone care? As someone in the music/publishing business told me many years ago – the creative side is the fun bit.  There must be thousands of great musicians (writers, artists, etc) who fall by the wayside, not because they’re less talented than those who make it but simply for reasons of logistics, bad luck or cock-ups, and so on. The number of renowned authors, for example, who get rejected – sometimes hundreds of times – before achieving success is depressingly huge. Why? Who knows? Maybe, partly anyway, because there’s  very limited  space at the top.

This photo, by the way, was taken by one of my students (a fifteen year old excluded lad with a long rap sheet but really a nice kid but from a shit home) in Birtley, Gateshead. It’s a genuine café and shop called Mr Baker’s.


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