The first law of every religious and civil code worldwide is, ‘thou shalt not kill’. In particular it finds the murder of innocent and defenceless people, especially women and children, wrong and offensive – some would even say ‘evil’. There may, in exceptional circumstances, be a legal justification such as time of war or in self defence, but in all other cases it is outlawed and frequently punishable by death.
So how do Islamists justify murder? How would they feel if their own family or friends were gunned down indiscriminately? What do they hope to gain? As far as I can tell none of the arguments from organisations such as ISIL make any logical sense – even on their own terms. It may be they look back to the early days of Islam and believe they can reclaim the old empire by force of arms, as their forefather did – with Allah all is possible, they might say. Why then do they kill fellow Muslims? Or, as in Tunisia, Syria, Libya, etc, do they wreck the infrastructure and economy forcing refugees to seek refuge in Western countries? It seems, in fact, their violence and warmongering is self-defeating and even suicidal.
Or maybe we have to look at this not in religious or political terms but, rather, in a personal, emotional or psychological way. Most of those joining ISIL are young, idealistic, men and women, and, like many young people the world over are looking for meaning and purpose in life. By identifying with a faith or ideology that has millions of adherents one may immediately feel more powerful or accepted. When, after 9/11, Bush declared war on terrorism he unwittingly gave all potential terrorists justification to target anyone or anything deemed to be ‘Western’ and therefore of the enemy. As in any war, therefore, no targets were now off limits however horrendous the consequences. One only has to look at both World Wars to see how millions of normally peaceful people could condone killing on a previously unimaginable scale – and of course there are numerous other similar examples throughout history. So its not just Muslims who may use some ideology as an excuse for murder – its been done by most religions and political movements (sometimes continuing for hundreds of years, e.g. Catholics v Protestants). Even followers of sport’s teams may become so fanatical they attack others of a different colour or strip.
Maybe the roots of this behaviour go back thousands if not millions of years when rival bands or families fought for territory or resources? In those cases the outcome might be a matter of life or death. Perhaps we still have that gene somewhere which can be reactivated under certain stressful moments in history. Muslims, it could be argued, have emerged from hundreds of years of relative insignificance, their great civilisation of magnificent architecture, scientific achievement and learning, having declined to lag way behind Christian and secular based economies. In fact, had it not been for the discovery of vast amounts of oil in many Muslim countries they would mostly be ranked alongside the poorest in the world. Yet these are devout people. Why has God not helped them? Perhaps, some there might think, we must take the initiative and, in Allah’s name, re-establish the faith by force of arms.
Of course it won’t work. The West, for starters, will not just stand back and let these lunatics kill and destroy indiscriminately – it will protect not only its own interests but those of its allies. The terrorists will also encourage, as it has already, previously hostile nations to collaborate against the threats. And, the millions fleeing the violence will (whether we like it or not) often end up here or in other non-Muslim countries where the migrants or their children will gradually be assimilated and thus the faith weakened even further. Islam, as with other religions, must eventually realise that modern democratic governments are here to stay and that implies freedom of thought and worship (or non-worship). If Muslims, or those of other faiths, wish to gain converts they must earn people’s respect by good works and beliefs based on common sense, right living and rule of law. The modern Islamic recruitment agents may attract a few young hot-heads but most Muslims feel nothing but revulsion seeing these awful crimes committed in Allah’s name. And, by the way, Ramadan was always supposed to be a time of peace, reconciliation and forgiveness.